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Letting Things Go...

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“Our bodies contain innate wisdom; they are constantly communicating with us. It is important that we slow down and be mindful in order to receive the messages that they are sending us.”

‍Towards the end of September, we welcome the autumnal equinox, aka the first day of Fall; when night and day are nearly of the same length. Outside of the Fall fashion (I love to wear sweaters and boots!), Fall blesses us with the beautiful scenery of its foliage, where the landscape silently explodes with vibrant colors of red, yellow, and orange as the leaves begin to fall off the trees and the birds migrate to warmer climates in preparation for Winter.

I used to DREAD this time of the year because I experienced such a visceral reaction to it. For many years, I was unknowingly at war with myself because I was fighting against my natural instincts and internal rhythms to slow down during this time of the year, and be more mindful of my body, my health and wellbeing.

Our bodies contain innate wisdom; they are constantly communicating with us. It is important that we slow down and be still in order to receive the messages that they are sending us.

One way to do that is by stepping away from the fast-paced world that we live in from time-to-time. Some years ago, I decided to figure out what I was experiencing. I pulled back and paid closer attention to one of our most powerful teachers: nature. Suddenly, it occurred to me that I was working on society’s schedule instead of going inward to honor my own, which resulted in me feeling sad, low energy, and disconnected from myself.

I always joke around and tell people that I was a bear in a previous life because around this time of the year, I felt the desire to eat and then retreat. But what if I just needed a new perspective?

When I started slowly to release and detach from the external pressures from society, and re-focus on my body’s needs, my outlook and quality of life started to improve. The Fall and Winter seasons weren’t so horrible for me. I started to make friends with them and found things to look forward to. And now, the Fall and Winter are my favorite seasons!

I have been putting into practice the things that I learned from my explorations - this is always a work in progress. Below are some of my favorite activities to help embrace the Fall season (and Winter too!).

“The leaves are about to show us how lovely it is to let things go”

While meditation and pilates are activities worth engaging in year-round, I surrender to the specific demands of the Fall by embracing what it calls for: letting go. In doing so, we can pause and reflect upon what has been serving us, what hasn’t, and decide whether or not we will bring them into this new season.

Physical Movement

I have found movement, especially pilates, to be incredibly beneficial to my both physical and mental health. Pilates can help me take advantage of everything this season has to offer! What are some Fall related activities that you currently enjoy or want to explore? Maybe it’s taking the family out to an outdoor activity such as an apple orchard to pick apples, or a pumpkin patch, or even staying local to jump in a pile of leaves! To enjoy these things properly, I need to feel good, be mindful, and let the stress go!

When it comes to food, I try my best to consume in-season foods as often as I’m able to because of their numerous benefits; such as, being more cost efficient, tasting better, and containing better nutrition. I am more motivated to eat better when I feel energetic and thoughtful about what I put in my body. This extends to a better overall quality of life.

Vitamins and Supplements
Nutritionists recommend that most vitamins and minerals be obtained through food sources, but this isn’t always possible. If you don’t consume enough fruits, vegetables or other specific foods, a multivitamin may be helpful, but targeted supplements are best. During the colder seasons, I am mindful of ensuring that the following supplements are in my wellness arsenal (as needed) - Vitamin D, Vitamin C, and Vitamin B (complex), among others, as determined by my doctor… Everyone should have a complete vitamin and mineral panel at least once per year to focus on those that aren’t optimal.

During this time of the year, I enjoy consuming water (at room temperature), and herbal teas to meet my hydration needs.

While eating healthy food is very important, so is balance! Fall brings wonderful flavors… hot apple cider or a nice mug of hot cocoa warms the soul, and for a treat, add a dollop of whipped cream on top - yum!

If Fall is a challenging season for you and you resonate with feeling down or less energy, try pilates for a start. Follow with the other suggestions I made, and you surely will experience progress and success for seasons to come.

Move Powerfully, Age Gracefully

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