Brittany is the founder of Fairfax Pilates and a fully certified Pilates instructor and Athletic Training specialist with STOTT PILATES® since 2007.
Among her vast experience with functional movement and performance training techniques are qualifications from CORE™, TRX® and two different Barre methods. She has extensive training with golf and sports conditioning, plus professional and personal experience with pre/post natal Pilates. Her teaching style is dynamic and vibrant and students say they love the challenge she brings to the workouts.
Prior to opening Fairfax Pilates, she founded and co-owned REV Pilates Gym, was the Pilates Coordinator at Equinox in Tysons Corner and also taught Pilates credit courses at George Mason University as an adjunct professor.
Personally, Brittany has a passion for functional medicine, biohacking and all things fitness. When she’s not spending time with her children, you’ll find her reading, listening to podcasts, traveling or on the tennis court.